
Referrals and Special Discounts


Referrals Fees & Special Discounts

One way we are growing is by offering referral fees and special discounts to clients for e-queries. Just put in the appropriate code when you place your order, and it will be applied to a credit card payment or refunded from a payment through PayPal.


These referral fees and discounts are the following:

• a 10% referral fee on the first order for an email query of a new client, plus a 5% discount to the client.
(CODE: RFN10-5)
• a 10% discount for past clients of Publishers and Agents or the Publishing Connection when you order 2 or more equery services (ie: both publishers and agents; both film producers and agents; both children’s publishers and agents).
• a 10% discount for clients attending special events within 10 days of the event, using the special code provided for that event.


These referral fees and discounts are not applied to writing letters, proposals, or other materials, or to PR services and website design, since these payments are made to individual writers and are not retained by the company.